How to avoid stress when looking for a home
The key is to plan ahead and do your research.

1) When you start hunting for a room make a plan to organize effectively your time and your steps. Act fast, be specified on your needs and have full of confidence.
2) Don’t book your room without having viewed it.
3) Avoid Skype virtual room viewing. You can’t realise the damp and the property conditions properly.
4) Don’t rent a room without signing a contract.
5) When you pay by cash ask for receipt witnessed by someone.
6) Avoid cheap options. Most of the times end up expensive.
7) Adjust your specifications to your budget so that to have many options for viewing.
8) Don’t force yourself to rent a room by standoff.
9) Avoid advertisements with distorted photos.
10) Avoid advertisements with lacking information.
Good luck to your room hunting.